MARGE 2nd November 2007

"HEY BOB...IT'S YOUR DAD"! "ROBERT WALDO PHILLIPS" To my oldest son, Robert Earl Loter [Bob} My name is "ROBERT WALDO PHILLIPS", and I'm your dad! I'm glad "PUNKY'S" finding you didn't make you mad. I know it wasn't right that I didn't help raise you and that makes me sad. I hope you don't think badly of me because I really do feel bad. Your mother "BETTY" looked just like Marilyn Monroe! I got all caught up with her good charm, and good looks...I want you to know. But, when I met my "LUKIE", it was time for me to go. I thought alot of your mom, but I loved "LUKIE", more so. I was going to tell Rosemary & my family about you and then I passed away. I still care about your mom, and I can't wait to meet you someday. I had "5" NOT "4" kid's...what more can I say? I was so young and immature way back then! I should have taken responsibility as a man and been a father to you. I would have done differently if I'd had the chance to do it all over again. Bobby, Margie, Shirley & Sharon think your alot of fun! They think it's pretty neat that I have another son. They think the world of "BOB THE ELDER", pardon the pun! I hope you can fogive me for not being in your life. I can see that "CHARLOTTE" made you a good wife. I'm in heaven with "OUR LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST". I know it came as quite a blow to find out you have extended family! The Phillips Family welcomed you & Charlotte with open arms. That's because you belong to me. Your sister "MARGE" threw quite the party, didn't she? I'm very proud of the man you turned out to be. I want to Thank-you for choosing to be a part of my family! Your Grandpa Waldo & Grandma Delphine would have enjoyed meeting see. All 5 of you kid's mean the world to me! xxxxx Love, Your dad xoxo ROBERT WALDO PHILLIPS "Bob Phillips" 11-02-2007