MARGE 31st October 2007

It was a dream come true for me when dad & Rosemary had Shirley! Grandma told me & Shirley at the nursing home that when dad was a real little boy that she used to put a dress on him and that Shirley looked just like him when she was real little and wore dress's. Bobby & I were very protective of Shirley. We loved taking care of her when dad & Rosemary were out and about. We used to take her for wagon rides all the time when we lived outside of Tennessee IL. It was terrible when dad got killed and we had to part with our little baby sister Shirley. I remember that Rosemary brought the girl's to Bonnie's after Sharon was born so that we could see her. They were so darned cute! I hated seeing them go that day. Our mom loved kid's and wanted to have another baby but couldn't so when Shirley came along I was elated. I went to school and made a banner that said "SHIRLEY MARIE PHILLIPS" March 20, 1964! When we lived in Burnside Bobby & I were the only 2 kid's in the whole school of 50 students that had to go home for a cold lunch everyday. Someone paid for us to have a hot Thanksgiving dinner at school one year and to this day I don't know who paid it. Lucille told me that it wasn't her. It was a real treat I remember that! Even though we didn't have all that far to walk to and from the school in Burnside it was still pretty darned cold during the winter time and I have a scar on my lower leg from where my sock slipped down inside my shoe. Bobby & I grew up poor and went without ALOT of stuff that other kid's took for granted. Grandma got us clothes and shoes at yeard sales and from the salvation army. She always tried her best to help dad & mom out in any way that she could. We didn't know any different we were just happy to get what we got. We had the most important ingredient and that was "LOVE"!